
ExonSurfer is a bioinformatics web tool that utilizes various tools to perform its analyses. In this section, we provide the necessary citations for the tools used in ExonSurfer:

  • The Ensembl database ( was used as a reference genome database. Specifically, the PyEnsembl Python package ( was utilized as a Python interface to Ensembl reference genome metadata such as exons and transcripts.
  • BLAST+ suite (Camacho C., Coulouris G., Avagyan V., Ma N., Papadopoulos J., Bealer K., & Madden T.L. (2008) "BLAST+: architecture and applications." BMC Bioinformatics 10:421. PubMed) was utilized for nucleotide sequence similarity searches to obtain the primer specificities.
  • Primer3 (Andreas Untergasser, Ioana Cutcutache, Triinu Koressaar, Jian Ye, Brant C Faircloth, Maido Remm, Steven G Rozen. Primer3--new capabilities and interfaces. Nucleic Acids Research 2012; doi:10.1093/nar/gks596) was utilized for the design of the primer pairs.

We would like to acknowledge and thank the developers of these tools for providing these invaluable resources.